Top Blogging Mistakes You Should Not Make in 2023 to Boost Conversions

Blogging mistakes are common. As a blogger, you would also have made or are still making few blogging mistakes in 2023 that might be stopping your content to get a good search engine rank.

blogging mistakes in 2018

Well, do you know that more than 2 million blogs are written each day, and 47% of buyers read 3-5 blog posts before talking to a sales representative?

These stats show that blogging is an effective way to drive traffic to your website and convert visitors into leads.

Plus, imagine the level of accuracy and correctness your blog needs to stand out and rank for your targeted keywords.

According to a survey by Semrush, 89% of marketers say- blogging is their top content marketing priority.

Therefore, you should write high-quality blogs with relevant content and target keywords to generate traffic.

And above all, they should be error free and engaging, otherwise, your audience will lose interest, and your traffic will suffer.

Today in this post, I will discuss top blogging mistakes in 2023, which that should be avoided to get the desired results.

1- Not Writing in Plain English

The first and most common blogging mistake people make is that they don’t write in plain English.

By plain English, I mean simple and easy-to-understand words.

Though fancy words can make you sound smart, they can make your content sound dumb.

Fancy words make readers work hard on their mind, which distracts readers from the message you are trying to convey.

Use simple words so that your audience can understand them easily. 

Though, every audience has its own perception of simple words. A word that is simple for an engineer may not be simple for a doctor. Therefore, knowing your audience goes long way. 

The idea is to write plain English that is related to the audience you are writing for.

 Avoid this blogging mistake and simplify your writing by following these tips:

  • Write as you are talking to your readers
  • Write short sentences
  • Write short paragraphs
  • Avoid fancy words
  • Share personal experiences

2- Not Crafting Magnetic Headlines

Not creating magnetic headlines will be the worst blogging mistakes in 2023.

According to Copyblogger, 8 out of 10 visitors read blog’s headline, but only 2 finish reading rest of the article.

And, do you know that your blog traffic can vary by 500% depending on your headline?

That means your headline plays a very crucial role in deciding the success of your blog.

The headline should be engaging and captivating to grab your reader’s attention.

As per Optinmoster, headlines with 6-13 words attract the highest amount of traffic to your blog.

Use catchy words with appropriate headline length and see the difference in your website traffic.

Avoid this blogging mistake and make your headlines captivating by following these tips.

  • Use numbers (especially odd numbers) in your headline
  • Use catchy words in your blog’s headline
  • Write headlines that trigger curiosity
  • Write headlines that people feel connected with.

3- Blog Structure Is Missing

Blog Structure Is Missing

Another blogging mistake people make is not following an appropriate blog structure.

Readers start reading a blog and step out after reading a few sentences. Do you know why?

Because a defined blog structure was missing.

Well, there are many blog structures and writing techniques, but one of my favorites is the standard one:

  • Introduction
  • Middle Part
  • Conclusion

Start your blog with a good introduction. It should brief the topic and starts with the idea readers can relate to and agree with you.

Here I am taking an example of a blog post #5 Ways to Boost Success of Branding Campaigns on Social Media from RankingBySEO.

branding campaigns on social media

Right in the first sentence of the blog, the writer has stated the issues the readers can relate to and agree with him.

This introduction will make readers feel connected that the blog is written for them only.

Then he steps to the middle part of the blog where he guides readers with the solution to their problem.

Blog structure_screenshot

And in the last, he concludes the blog by giving his own opinion and also asking readers about their views.

Give your blog a standard structure by following these tips:

  • Break your blog into 3 parts: Introduction-Middle-Conclusion
  • All the parts of the blog should be connected with a flow
  • Use appropriate font size – not too small, not too big
  • Use correct spacing between words

4-Not Making Introductions Engaging

Another blogging mistake people make more often is not writing the engaging introduction.

The second most important part of your post after your headline is an introduction.

Imagine, you have created a killer headline for your blog, but the introduction does not match the excitement you have created with your headline.

What will happen?

If a reader does not feel connected to your opening part of the blog, most probably he/she will leave it, and of course, your website traffic will suffer.

Therefore, your blog’s introduction should be worth and able to carry the momentum you have created by making the magnetic headline of your blog.

Make your introduction more engaging by following these tips:

  • Start your introduction by stating something readers can relate to
  • Ask a question
  • Share personal experience
  • Create a bond with your readers

5- Not Writing Powerful Conclusions

Do you know that 60% of bloggers who spend 6+ hours on each article report “strong results” from blogging?

That means the more time you will spend researching and writing your post; the more are the chances of its success.

And to make your post successful, powerful conclusion plays a very important role.

Not writing an impactful conclusion is one of the biggest blogging mistakes people do.

Leaving your readers in a dead end makes your blog unworthy.

Spend a good amount of time creating blog’s conclusion; it is a part that gives strength to your blog. It should inspire and motivates your readers.

Avoid this blogging mistake and give your article a strong finish by following these tips:

  • Summarize your blog in a conclusion
  • Make it short
  • Ask questions
  • Ask readers view

6- Making Topics Too Broad


                        (Image Source: SlideShare)

Another one of the most common blogging mistakes in 2023 is making topic too broad.

Let me explain it by an example:
“How to Make Your Online Business Profitable”
“How Content Marketing Can Make Your Online Business Profitable”

Can you see the difference in both the topics?

The first topic is far too broad than the second one.

And because there are so many details required in a broad topic blog, writers usually fail to justify the topic.

Therefore, always take specific topics – they tend to attract a particular section of the audience and more likely to convert traffic into leads.

Avoid this blogging mistake by following these tips:

  • Write on specific topics
  • Choose topics as per your target audience

7- Not Using Data as Evidences

One of the most common blogging mistakes in 2023 you will make is not using data as evidence in your blog posts. 

Let’s take an example, I am reading an article about Google voice search and come across a statement “Voice search is gaining momentum rapidly.”

Should I believe this statement? I think I should not.

But if this statement has been written like “According to the 2016 Internet Trends Report, voice search is gaining momentum rapidly.”

Now, what do you think?

Of course, the trust factor in the second statement is more because it is backed by authentic evidence.

By adding references and data, your blog will gain authenticity and more likely get conversions.

Avoid this blogging mistake in 2023 by following these tips:
• Back up your blog with latest research data
• Claim statements with references

8- Not Using Relevant Images

As per MDG Advertising, 94% more total views on average are attracted by content containing relevant images than content without images.

Not Using Relevant Images

Just to finish the blog in a hurry, bloggers these days either use irrelevant images or even don’t use images on their blogs.

Will you read the whole content with all text no image? Even I will not.

Relevant images attract readers and develop an interest to read the entire content piece.

No doubt, images make concepts easier to understand and memorable.

Avoid this blogging mistake by following these tips:

  • Use relevant images as per your blog topic.
  • Use at least 4-5 images in an average post of 1000 words

9- Not Collecting Emails

What is the ultimate motive of your blog post? Simply, to generate traffic and boost conversions.

There are many ways by which you can convert traffic into conversions, and one of the most effective ones is through emails.

The readers’ email will help you do email marketing.

You will be amazed to know that email marketing generates $44*Return on Investment.

That means, for every dollar you will spend on email marketing, an average of 44 dollars you will get a return on investment.

This is the power of collecting emails and generating leads.

Even there are businesses that are using email marketing and have grown their revenue to 98%.

Collect emails_image

Avoid this blogging mistake by following these tips:

  • Collect readers emails for marketing activities
  • Use free tools to create email pop-up for your website

10- Writing Purely For SEO

Writing for SEO is mandatory but writing purely for SEO can be harmful. If you do so, it will be one of the worst blogging mistakes in 2023.

If you are writing for Google and using keywords in your post more than needed, then beware, Google can penalize your website because of keyword stuffing.

In fact, write for your customers, make them happy and convert your traffic into leads.

Avoid this blogging mistake by following these tips:

  • Write customer-oriented content
  • Don’t do keyword stuffing
  • Publish creative and high-quality content

11- Not Blogging Consistently

Last but definitely not the least, it is one of the most common blogging mistakes in 2023, which you should not commit. 

Bloggers who don’t write consistently usually loss readers trust.

And as per Moz, bloggers who publish more than 11 content pieces per month get more traffic than people who publish only once a month.

Post content every single day and see the difference in your website traffic.

I know writing on a new topic every day is tough, but there are many ways you can get new content ideas.

Use an online tool such as HubSpot blog generator Ideas and get latest blog topics for free.

Avoid this blogging mistake by following these tips:

  • Publish around 11 blogs per month
  • Use online tools to get new content topics
  • Use Editorial Calendar to schedule content month wise


With 53% of marketers saying that blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority, blogging has become one of the most effective ways to generate traffic and boost conversions.

Write your blog in a simple and easy to understand language, give your blog a captivating headline and write the engaging introduction.

Don’t forget to follow an appropriate blog structure, use relevant images and data evidence on your blog.

Do blogging more often and write for your audience rather than for Google.

Work on your blogging mistakes in 2023 and give your audience a well-researched and well-crafted post that is both engaging and interesting.

I would love to hear from you.

Share with me blogging mistakes in 2023, which will affect conversions. 

Happy Blogging!

10 thoughts on “Top Blogging Mistakes You Should Not Make in 2023 to Boost Conversions

  1. Christopher says:

    The article itself is really nice! Thanks for revealing all common mistake we usually make while blogging. I’ll take advantage of this immeasurably essential submission!

  2. Debnath says:

    Awesome piece, as a beginner the biggest challenge is to keep patience and follow the huge checklist of making a content optimised before clicking the publish button. Thanks for this article here.

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