Comprehensive Online Reputation Management Services

Ranking By SEO stands as the leading provider of online reputation management (ORM) services in India. Our bespoke ORM methodologies are designed to promote your key offerings and reduce the impact of potentially unfavorable content associated with your brand.

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Expert Online Reputation Management Agency

Positive Brand Positioning

90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business. Our ORM services strategically position your brand positively across digital platforms while emphasizing the strengths and positive attributes.

Enhance Brand Credibility

We actively monitor and address negative content to enhance your brand’s credibility. By emphasizing positive reviews and achievements, we solidify your brand’s trustworthy digital profile, instilling confidence in your audience.

Tailored Solutions

We revitalize your online presence with tailored ORM solutions for individuals and businesses. We seamlessly align with your unique identity and goals, employing dynamic strategies to proactively manage sentiments and optimize search results.

Our Clients

Features That Should Be Included in Reputation Management Services

Around 97% of consumers search online for local businesses and 12% of consumers do so on a daily basis. This is why online reputation management & reputation repair services are essential for businesses that want to establish their trust in the market. Following is a breakdown of the features that should be a part of ORM services for best results:

The purchase decisions of 78% of consumers are influenced by social media presence. Social Media Monitoring in ORM involves real-time observation of brand mentions, comments, and conversations across diverse platforms. It is a proactive stance that helps businesses quickly identify emerging challenges and build effective connections with their audience to maintain a positive online image. Social Media Monitoring actively shapes and protects your business’s reputation. Employing advanced tools in this practice empowers enterprises to foresee and proactively manage potential threats to their reputation, which can directly impact their financial performance.

Research indicates that a substantial 67.7% of purchasing decisions are influenced by online reviews. A potent reputation management service encompasses actively participating in and interacting with these online reviews. This includes addressing negative feedback constructively, leveraging positive reviews to boost credibility, and fostering a culture of customer interaction. Effectively managing reviews contributes to developing a positive brand perception, building trust, and positively influencing potential buyers. Additionally, using customer feedback for refining products or services adds value to the brand’s reputation management efforts.

To control how a brand appears online, reputation management services must include tools for monitoring search engine results. This involves tracking keyword rankings, identifying reputation threats, and optimizing content to ensure positive and accurate information ranks higher. Proactive management of search engine results ensures that the brand’s online visibility aligns with its desired image, helping to shape public perception and influence consumer decisions positively. Additionally, staying ahead of evolving search engine algorithms ensures ongoing effectiveness in reputation management strategies.

Reputation management services should incorporate a comprehensive strategy for content development and promotion. This includes creating compelling and positive content that highlights the brand’s strengths, values, and achievements. By actively promoting this content through various channels, businesses can control the narrative surrounding their brand, enhance visibility, and counteract any negative information. Skillfully composed content plays a pivotal role in fortifying a robust digital footprint and nurturing a favorable perception among the intended audience. Consistently updating content to mirror prevailing industry trends and align with consumer interests amplifies the brand authority.

In accordance with studies, a significant 60% of consumers indicate that adverse reviews deter them from engaging with a business. Crisis management emerges as a pivotal facet of ORM, entailing proactive strategies and response frameworks crafted to swiftly address and mitigate evolving issues. Whether confronting negative publicity, PR crises, or online controversies, a detailed prepared crisis management plan assists businesses in upholding transparency, rebuilding trust, and showcasing dedication to issue resolution. Proficiently navigating challenges serves to protect the brand’s integrity and fortitude, and post-crisis assessments provide valuable insights for honing and fortifying future crisis management strategies.

A reliable reputation management company should integrate brand mentions and sentiment analysis into the mix. It is about grasping the sentiment linked to brand mentions and it offers valuable insights into the audience’s perception of the business. Through effective strategies, positive sentiments can be strengthened, whereas adverse sentiments can be promptly and constructively addressed. The average consumer mentions brands 90 times per week. By embedding brand mentions and sentiment analysis into their methodologies, businesses can adjust their strategies to harmonize with customer perspectives, elevating the effectiveness of reputation management endeavors and nurturing a favorable brand image.

Reputation management services should include a focus on online profile enhancement, ensuring that a business’s digital presence accurately reflects its values and achievements. This involves optimizing website content, updating profiles on various platforms, and utilizing SEO strategies to improve visibility. Comprehensive online profile enhancement contributes to a positive brand image, aligning with the desired narrative and effectively engaging with the target audience. Additionally, regularly auditing and updating online profiles keeps information current and relevant which keeps your audience engaged on a regular basis.

Competitor monitoring in reputation management services is important for maintaining a competitive edge in the market. Gaining a keen eye on competitors’ digital interactions, customer reactions, and industry dynamics provides priceless intelligence. This equips businesses to creatively fine-tune their strategies, navigate potential hurdles, and capitalize on unfolding opportunities with proactive agility. A robust system for monitoring competitors elevates the overall efficacy of reputation management and builds a responsive and well-informed stance toward market positioning. Also, engaging in regular benchmarking against competitors assists in refining strategies for a sustained and advantageous competitive position.

Reputation management services ought to deliver personalized reports, furnishing businesses with lucid insights into their online standing. These bespoke reports should encompass essential performance indicators, social media metrics, and sentiment analysis. The customization of reports empowers businesses to gauge the efficiency of reputation management strategies, pinpoint areas for enhancement, and make well-informed decisions. Consistent analysis and adjustment of these reports guarantee that reputation management initiatives are in accordance with long-term business goals. Detailed reports tailored to specific stakeholder needs help in addressing the distinct needs and concerns of diverse audience segments.

A vital aspect of reputation management services includes attending to legal and compliance factors. This entails overseeing online content to verify its alignment with search engine regulations, handling possible legal complications arising from digital activities, and shielding against situations that could jeopardize reputation. By fusing legal considerations into reputation management strategies, businesses can preemptively mitigate risks and uphold ethical standards, guaranteeing a robust and legally sound online presence. Routine legal examinations of online content and activities assist in proactively addressing potential compliance issues.

Reputation management services should prioritize employee training and guidelines to ensure a cohesive online brand image. Providing employees with training on social media etiquette, online communication, and brand representation fosters consistency in messaging. Establishing clear guidelines for online behavior helps prevent unintentional reputation risks. Well-informed and trained employees act as brand ambassadors, contributing positively to the overall reputation management efforts. Regularly updating training programs based on evolving digital landscapes ensures employees are well-equipped to navigate online interactions responsibly.

A successful online reputation management strategy incorporates forward-thinking outreach and active involvement with the intended audience. This entails actively participating in digital dialogues, attending to customer inquiries, and actively seeking occasions for constructive interactions. Taking proactive steps to interact with your audience not only helps build a devoted community around your brand but also fosters customer loyalty, ultimately playing a pivotal role in shaping a positive online reputation. By vigilantly monitoring online discussions and instigating outreach efforts, we ensure your brand maintains continuous visibility and remains agile and responsive in the dynamic digital realm.

Why Choose Our Online Reputation Management Services?

Ranking By SEO is a trusted online reputation management company in India with expertise in implementing proven ORM strategies that promote positive brand positioning. Here is a list of reasons why you should choose our ORM services:



Our Online Reputation Management (ORM) services come with a solid commitment to trust, transparency, and integrity. Our proven track record ensures clients rely on us to ensure and enhance their positive online reputation with ethical practices.



We follow a holistic approach to ORM that includes social media monitoring, review management, content development, and crisis management. Our proven strategies empower clients to manage their reputation effectively across various digital channels.



Our ORM services are implemented by a seasoned team of professionals with extensive experience in online reputation management. You can benefit from experts who understand the ins and outs of reputation management, staying ahead of industry trends to fortify and enhance your brand’s online standing.



Our tailored ORM packages are designed to meet different budgetary requirements. We believe in making quality reputation management accessible. This is why we offer transparent and flexible pricing models that deliver value without compromising on service quality.

Our Awards and Partnerships

Since our inception in 2008, we have never looked back and have grown as a reputation digital marketing company. We have earned a bunch of awards, reviews and recognition as mentioned on this page.


Our Customers Feedback

Check out the satisfaction and success achieved by our happy clients with our excellent services. We dedicatedly help their business thrive in this digital landscape

Most companies wanted several thousand dollars…

Most companies wanted several thousand dollars up front, with no guarantee that I wouldn’t need to pay thousands more just a few months later. RBS reputation management asked for monthly fees, so i could change companies quickly if I decided they were not getting the job done. Their prices were considerably more reasonable than their competition’s, too, so I gave Lalit Sharma and his team a try.

Nathan Carr


I would highly recommend RBS Reputation Management…

I would highly recommend RBS Reputation Management to anyone wanting to move negative search results down many pages or remove them all together. Lalit was a man of his word and guaranteed results. I could not be happier. RBS produced positive results at a fair price!

Eileen Sylvia


I did a search for companies in India that…

I did a search for companies in India that did reputation management. I contacted Lalit Sharma after I found his company’s link. I was a little sceptical and nervous about trusting and using a company in India, so far away. Lalit assured me that everything would be fine and that he and his company were very trustworthy. Lalit agreed to work with me and told me that I could expect results fairly quickly. Well, he was correct. He hit his first milestone within about a week and then hit each remaining milestone quickly as we achieved our goal.

Gary Seckendorf


In course of my search, I found the websites…

In course of my search, I found the websites of various companies and talk to them as well. But, only one company impressed me and that was Ranking By SEO. I talked to Lalit Sharma, The Founder and CEO of the company. He talked very impressively, assuring me to improve the situation soon. So, I decided to handover this big responsibilty in the hands Of Lalit. He did a tremondous job by taking the negative reviews to the third page of search results just in a couple of months. That again brought my derailed business of track.



Our Process After You Choose Our Online Reputation Management Services

At Ranking By SEO, our dedicated online reputation managers follow a robust process that includes all key activities that your company needs to build a strong online reputation. Here is a brief overview of our process:

Our commitment to market research is comprehensive, striving to provide you with a detailed comprehension of the digital terrain in which your brand exists. We explore industry trends, competitor strategies, and consumer behavior, extracting invaluable insights that serve as the foundation of our Online Reputation Management (ORM) strategy.

Through a thorough examination of your industry, we determine potential challenges and openings, enabling us to customize our strategy to your distinct requirements. This in-depth exploration of market dynamics positions us to foresee and adjust to forthcoming changes in the online landscape.

Our process involves bespoke strategy development for Online Reputation Management (ORM). In this step, we adopt a cooperative and iterative methodology, researching the intricacies of the digital business world to craft a strategy that is both dynamic and adaptive.

Considering factors like target audience demographics, preferred communication channels, and industry benchmarks ensures the strategy aligns seamlessly with the brand’s identity. This adaptable approach ensures that ORM efforts remain finely tuned to overarching business goals, providing a proactive shield against potential threats and contributing to long-term success in the ever-evolving online environment.

Our SERP monitoring services are about tracking keyword rankings. We do a comprehensive analysis of how your brand appears across search engine results. Our team employs cutting-edge tools to track the visibility of positive and negative content, ensuring that the information presented is accurate and aligns with your desired brand image.

Consistent monitoring is indispensable for identifying changes in search patterns, allowing us to adjust strategies proactively. We do a keen observation on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) to oversee your existing online standing and find ways to strategically place your brand in a positive light with search engines.

Managing online reviews and ratings requires a delicate balance of responsiveness and strategy. We go beyond simply addressing negative reviews. we analyze industry patterns, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategies to enhance positive reviews.

Our approach involves building positive interactions with customers, encouraging feedback, and implementing strategies to amplify satisfied customer voices. Through active management, we mitigate the impact of negative reviews and actively cultivate a positive digital reputation that resonates with your target audience.

Our Social media management efforts are about cultivating a community around your brand through positive interactions. We craft social media content in accordance with your brand voice, resonating with your specific audience. Our approach aims to build meaningful connections, engaging interactions, and a vibrant digital community.

This step of our process prioritizes active engagement, responding promptly and transparently to comments and messages. By strategically utilizing social media platforms, we boost your brand’s online presence and help you develop a dedicated and engaged community.

Our method of brand mention monitoring and sentiment analysis involves deploying advanced tools to track discussions about your brand across the digital landscape. Beyond mere tracking, we research the sentiment behind each mention, gaining insights into your brand’s perception. This real-time analysis helps identify and address emerging issues promptly.

Sentiment analysis helps us gauge present perceptions around your brand and also furnishes valuable insights for honing our continuous online reputation management strategies. This forward-thinking and data-centric methodology guarantees the precision of our corporate reputation management services in sync with the ever-changing digital dialogue, effectively preserving and improving your brand’s image.

Our employee training programs go beyond the basics of online etiquette. We tailor training sessions to empower your team with the skills necessary to actively contribute to your brand’s positive online reputation.

Our training modules encompass essential topics like social media communication, optimal customer engagement, and effective crisis management strategies. Cultivating a digital responsibility culture ensures each employee evolves into a brand ambassador, actively enhancing the overall success of your business in the online reputation management domain.

Proactive ORM is ingrained in our approach, anticipating potential challenges before they escalate. We continuously monitor online channels, social media, and relevant platforms to detect early signs of potential issues. In the event of a crisis, our experienced team implements strategic crisis management plans.

This involves swift and transparent communication, reputation recovery strategies, and ongoing monitoring to gauge the effectiveness of our interventions. Proactive ORM and crisis management are not just reactive measures but strategic elements that contribute to the overall resilience of your brand in the digital space.

Our unwavering dedication to transparency is evident in the detailed reporting that gives us insights into core performance metrics, online sentiment trajectories, and the results of our ORM activities. These reports go beyond numbers, offering actionable insights and recommendations for continuous improvement.

We empower you with crucial information for informed decisions about your online reputation. Our reports offer you a dynamic roadmap, ensuring our strategies evolve in sync with your brand’s ever-changing digital journey.

Boost Your Brand Presence with Premium Online Reputation Management Services

At Ranking By SEO, we specialize in online reputation repair and management services that catapult your brand to new heights. Here is a look at the benefits that you get with our ORM services:

We focus on building your brand’s trust and credibility through active online reputation management. By ensuring accurate and positive information is easily accessible, we cultivate a perception of reliability and authenticity. Our efforts strive to build your brand’s credibility among your intended audience.

Through proactive SERP monitoring and strategic SEO practices, we position your brand prominently in search engine results. This ensures positive information is easily accessible and helps push down any negative or irrelevant content, shaping a positive digital narrative for your brand.

Our ORM services go beyond managing your online reputation; they aim to achieve concrete business results. By developing a positive online image through reviews, social media, and improved search visibility, we actively contribute to increasing leads and boosting conversion rates, aligning our efforts with your business objectives.

Our ORM services seamlessly complement your social media strategy. Actively managing your social media presence, we engage with your audience, foster positive interactions, and address concerns promptly. This synchronization guarantees a unified and unwavering brand portrayal across all digital platforms, harnessing the influence of social media to amplify your online visibility.

Our ORM services promote affordability, presenting tailored packages to accommodate diverse budget constraints. We aim to streamline online reputation management, providing businesses of all sizes with value-driven solutions that maintain unwavering quality.

We extend our ORM services in striving to enhance Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). By employing strategic online review management and fostering positive interactions, we actively contribute to developing the overall satisfaction and loyalty of your customers.

We perform comprehensive risk analysis to pinpoint vulnerabilities and foresee challenges to your brand’s online reputation. Our proactive strategy allows us to deploy measures that counteract risks before escalation, shielding your brand from potential reputation harm and positioning it as robust and adaptable in the realm of online challenges.

With strategic content creation, keyword optimization, and continuous monitoring of search engine results, our ORM efforts contribute to better search engine rankings. The interconnected nature of reputation management and SEO improvement is a focal point of our strategy.

Our ORM efforts produce influential social proof by managing online reviews, encouraging positive testimonials, and showcasing satisfied customer experiences. This enhances your brand’s trustworthiness and reliability, influencing consumer decision-making positively.

Offering transparent reporting in our web reputation management services, we provide detailed insights through reports featuring key performance indicators and sentiment analysis. This promotes a collaborative and accountable partnership, ensuring clients grasp the tangible impact of our strategies clearly.

Case Studies

Take a look at the following case studies to see the success we have generated for our clients:

Frequently asked questions

Have any queries in your mind? Clear them before partnering with us! Dive into this section to resolve all your queries with us.

ORM, commonly known as Online Reputation Management, shapes and governs the digital narrative to influence how a brand or individual is perceived online. This dynamic process seamlessly combines proactive measures like crafting positive content and overseeing reviews with swift, responsive strategies to minimize the impact of negative online content.

The fundamental objective of online reputation management is to craft and protect a positive digital portrayal, nurturing trust, credibility, and a positive public image that harmonizes with the intended brand values.

Yes. In the digital business landscape, online reputation holds substantial sway over consumer choices. ORM proactively oversees the digital storyline for your brand, fostering trust, and credibility, and playing a pivotal role in augmenting both customer acquisition and retention. It stands as a worthwhile and enduring investment in the triumph of any business.

The time needed to build a positive brand reputation varies based on factors like the current online presence and industry. Immediate improvements can result from proactive measures, but the full impact may take several months to reflect in search results and overall online perception. Consistent effort and a sustained commitment to ORM strategies yield the best long-term results.

Our services are backed by a successful track record of online reputation management. We hold transparency in high regard, engage seasoned professionals, and customize strategies to align seamlessly with your distinct requirements. Our pledge to yield tangible outcomes and our unwavering dedication to client contentment distinguish us in the field.

Negative brand reviews can significantly impact your online reputation. Removing or addressing them effectively is crucial to maintaining a positive image. Our ORM services include proactive review management, ensuring that negative reviews are addressed constructively, and positive reviews are encouraged to outweigh any detrimental impact.

Our ORM services include a comprehensive range of strategies. These include market research, strategic development, SERP monitoring, online reviews and ratings management, content creation and promotion, social media management, brand mentions and sentiment analysis, employee training, proactive ORM and crisis management, and transparent reporting. We provide a holistic approach to enhancing and protecting your online reputation.

Our ORM services have a broad industry reach, and we’ve successfully worked across diverse sectors. While industries vary, our strategies are adaptable and rooted in fundamental ORM principles. Our seasoned team excels in comprehending the intricacies of diverse industries, guaranteeing a customized approach that effectively addresses your specific requirements.

Yes. Protecting the confidentiality and security of our client’s sensitive information is of utmost importance to us. We readily commit to Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), fortifying an extra layer of protection for your sensitive data to ensure sustained trust in our services.

If you choose to conclude our services mid-way, we’ll collaborate closely to ensure a seamless transition for you. A detailed report, outlining the advancements made until that point and providing actionable insights, will be delivered.

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