Best Google SEO Services to Get First Page Rankings

Ranking By SEO is the leading Google SEO Services company in India helping local and international businesses dominate the top search engine result rankings. Our comprehensive SEO services are designed to align your website with the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of Google’s SEO guidelines.

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Optimize Your Online Presence with Professional Google SEO Services

Improve Search Engine Rankings

We offer Google SEO services tailored to your specific business needs. We ensure that your website appears at the top of SERPs for your target audience.

Boost Organic Traffic & Conversions

Our premium Google SEO services skyrocket the organic search traffic coming to your website. We execute industry-specific SEO campaigns to maximize user engagement and conversions for your business.

Comprehensive SEO Solutions

From strategy development to execution, monitoring, and reporting, we follow a thorough approach to SEO. We offer comprehensive Google SEO solutions that streamline the growth of your business.

Our Clients

What features should be included in Google SEO Services?

Search Engine Optimization is a comprehensive approach that involves a wide array of on-site and off-site optimization activities. Following are some prominent features that should be included in the Google SEO services:

Conducting comprehensive competitor research and analysis is vital in understanding market trends, identifying competitive strengths and weaknesses, and discovering opportunities for SEO improvement. By analyzing competitors’ strategies, keywords they rank for, their backlink profiles, and content tactics, businesses can refine their own SEO strategies, uncover gaps, and capitalize on areas where competitors might be lacking. This informed approach allows businesses to create more effective SEO campaigns, gaining a competitive edge in the market. With competition research, you can identify the areas that you need to work on to drive positive results faster.

Keyword research and mapping involve identifying the most relevant and high-traffic keywords related to a business or website and strategically integrating them into the content. This process includes understanding user intent, analyzing keyword competition, and targeting long-tail keywords for specific content pages. Mapping these keywords to corresponding web pages ensures a structured and focused approach to content creation, resulting in better search engine visibility and improved organic traffic. Google SEO services feature comprehensive keyword research as their primary element to guide the rest of their SEO efforts.

On-page optimization is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. It revolved around fine-tuning individual web pages to enhance their relevance to specific keywords and improve overall user experience. This process includes various elements, such as optimizing meta titles, descriptions, headings, and content structure. On-page SEO helps you get better rankings with the strategic use of keywords, ensuring they are seamlessly integrated into the content without compromising its quality. It also includes improving site speed, and mobile-friendliness, and ensuring that the website is easily crawlable by search engine bots.

Technical SEO focuses on optimizing the technical aspects of a website to ensure it is easily accessible and understandable by search engines. This involves tasks like optimizing site structure, improving website speed, fixing crawl errors, implementing proper schema markup, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and enhancing website security through SSL certificates. Technical SEO experts optimize the XML sitemaps and robot.txt files, as well as manage duplicate content issues. By paying close attention to these technical details, websites can enhance their search engine rankings and provide a smoother experience for both users and search engine crawlers.

Link building is a vital aspect of SEO that involves acquiring backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites in your domain. High-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative websites are crucial for enhancing a site’s authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines. This process involves various strategies, such as creating compelling content that naturally attracts links, outreach to industry influencers and bloggers, participating in guest posting, and utilizing social media for link promotion. A strong link profile contributes significantly to improved search engine rankings, driving more organic traffic and increasing the overall visibility and credibility of a website.

Content marketing stands as the most important element of successful SEO. It is about using different content formats such as blog posts, videos, and infographics to add value to your audience. The content is optimized with relevant keywords to attract and deeply engage your target audience. Beyond enhancing search rankings and driving organic traffic, the true power of content marketing lies in building brand credibility and authority. This strategic approach helps you continuously nurture lasting relationships and build a community of loyal readers who trust you enough to spread the information that you provide to them.

Google Maps optimization is crucial for local businesses aiming to improve their online visibility in their local area. This involves creating or claiming a Google Business profile, ensuring accurate and consistent business information, acquiring positive reviews, and optimizing the profile for local search queries. By effectively optimizing for Google Maps, businesses can enhance their local online presence, attract nearby customers, and improve their chances of appearing in local map searches. It is ideal for building trust and credibility in the eyes of search engines as well as your target audience.

As your audience is shifting towards voice assistants such as Google Assistant and Alexa for searching information, the need for google voice search optimization is now more than ever. The process of voice SEO includes understanding natural language patterns and creating content that answers specific questions in that context. It is also about optimizing the keywords for featured snippets, and ensuring content aligns with the voice searches. By creating SEO strategies with the preferences of voice search users, businesses can improve their chances of appearing in voice search results, ultimately driving more organic traffic.

Penalty recovery is the process of identifying and rectifying issues that may lead to a website being penalized by search engines. This involves conducting a thorough audit to pinpoint issues like low-quality content, unnatural backlinks, keyword stuffing, or other black-hat practices that violate search engine guidelines. Once the issues are identified, a plan is devised to rectify them and a reconsideration request is submitted to the search engine. Successful penalty recovery strategies involve rectifying the identified issues, enhancing the website’s overall quality, and ensuring compliance with search engine guidelines, retaining the website’s search engine rankings.

Why Choose Our Google SEO Services?

Ranking By SEO is an ISO 9001:2015 certified Google SEO company with over a decade of practical industry experience. Following is a list of reasons why you should choose our services:



Ranking By SEO is a top choice for Google SEO services in India with a proven track record. Our reputation is backed by positive reviews from over 5,000 clients that we have worked with over the years. Our work has been featured on platforms including SEMrush, SocialMediaToday, HuffPost, and more. 



We value data and research in creating effective SEO plans. Our experts analyze your market trends and user behaviors to address key challenges. The result is a tailored strategy for optimal results, adapting to your market’s evolving nuances for lasting online success.



Our experienced SEO team is equipped with the knowledge to run effective Google SEO campaigns for businesses of all sizes. We keep you updated on project progress, ensuring you stay informed and engaged throughout.



At Ranking By SEO, our commitment to transparent communication and unwavering support is at the core of our client-centric approach. Recognizing the significance of addressing your concerns promptly and ensuring a seamless experience, we extend 24/7 assistance across multiple channels including Email. Phone, Skype, and Chat.

Our Awards and Partnerships

Since our inception in 2008, we have never looked back and have grown as a reputation digital marketing company. We have earned a bunch of awards, reviews and recognition as mentioned on this page.


Our Customers Feedback

Check out the satisfaction and success achieved by our happy clients with our excellent services. We dedicatedly help their business thrive in this digital landscape

I can’t say enough good things…

I can’t say enough good things about Ranking By SEO’s Google SEO services! After they optimized our website, we saw a significant increase in organic traffic. Our website now ranks higher on search engines.

Currently, our sales have increased a lot. RBS has helped us attract a lot of new potential customers.


Thanks to Ranking By SEO’s expert…

Thanks to Ranking By SEO’s expert Google SEO services, our online business is now much more visible to wider audiences. Their SEO optimization is too good, as our rankings increased in only a short amount of time.

Their keyword research and on-page optimization efforts helped us reach the right audience, resulting in a notable increase in leads.


Ranking By SEO’s Google SEO services …

Ranking By SEO’s Google SEO services were a game-changer for our small business. They built high-quality backlinks, improved our website’s user experience, and increased our online reach.

They regularly kept optimizing the SEO, which led to higher search rankings and ultimately more sales.


My company’s website used to rank…

My company’s website used to rank on the 6th page. I was not getting many online visitors. I opted for Google SEO services from Ranking By SEO. They helped us stand out from our competitors.

Their SEO strategies and well-optimized website established our brand as an industry expert, attracting more visitors and potential clients. All thanks to RBS for their amazing service!


Smart Features of Our Google SEO Services

Ranking By SEO takes pride in being the leading Google SEO services provider in India. We have a team of certified SEO professionals who help business skyrocket their growth through effective SEP campaigns. Here is a brief overview of our Google SEO services:

At Ranking By SEO, we keep tabs on the progress of the SEO campaign at all times. We generate regular performance reports based on a detailed analysis of the key performance indicators as outlined in the agreement with our clients. The performance reports highlight important details regarding the activities that we performed during the last execution period and the results we have generated for our clients.

The idea behind performance reports is to maintain 100% transparency with our services. We aspire to build long-term relationships with our clients and the only way to do that is by building trust. Based on the insights gathered from the performance reports, we optimize the SEO campaign by building on its strengths and managing the potential weaknesses.

We use advanced structured data markup to help search engines understand and display the content as per your requirements. Our team specializes in the optimal use of the standardized list of markups used by Google. We use structured data to provide detailed information about the key pages on your website so that Google can use the information to understand the content and the context of the page.

With our in-depth structured data implementation, Google can understand your content in a better way, resulting in an improvement in the rankings. By using structured data on your website, you get higher visibility, better CTR, faster indexing, and the domination of the voice search results.

With the massive influx of AI-generated content thanks to the latest AI tools such as ChatGPT, there have been huge concerns regarding the future of content marketing. Although things have become quite uncertain, E-E-A-T is now more important than ever. At Ranking By SEO, we base our content marketing efforts and the overall SEO campaign on Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust (EEAT).

We integrate E-E-A-T naturally within the content that we create for your business website to increase your chances of getting ranked at the top of search engine result pages. Since Google uses EEAT to determine the ranking of a website, we create credible and value-driven content based on this methodology that makes you stand out from the competition.

Featured Snippet is a summary of a text that Google shows at the top of its result pages to directly answer the user’s query. The featured snippets can be in the form of a paragraph, a table, or a list. Ranking By SEO understands the ins and outs of featured snippets and how you can leverage it to dominate that particular space with your content.

We optimize your on-site content based on the most frequently asked queries in your domain so that it may appear at the top of search engine results in the response to an organic search. We use techniques such as summarizing the answer to the query in a paragraph and using bullet lists or tables to ensure that the content is ready to appear in the featured snippets space.

Rich Snippets are normal Google search results with additional data displayed with them. At Ranking By SEO, we utilize structured data to improve how the content for a specific page gets shown on Google. Whether you want to show reviews, ratings, or events in the search results, we can make that happen for you. The targeted use of rich snippets helps you drive more engagement and attention to your specific search results.

With the rich snippets that we generate for your web pages, you are more likely to see a higher CTR for your key business pages. This is because your audience is more likely to click on search results that deliver maximum value, as compared with the ones that offer general information.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is about increasing the percentage of customer conversions for your business website. We use cutting-edge CRO tools and technologies and combine them with SEO efforts to help maximize conversions for your business. As your conversion rates improve, you get to see a huge growth in your revenue and ROI.

Our CRO experts analyze your business website to come up with ideas to improve your existing user experience in terms of conversions. After that, we use A/B testing to test the hypotheses before executing the strategy on your website. This strategic approach to CRO helps us deliver unparalleled value to our clients.

Our SEO Process After You Sign Up for Our Google SEO Services

We have a robust yet flexible process when it comes to implementing Google SEO services. Here is a brief overview of our process:

At Ranking By SEO, we start our Google SEO services implementation by doing a detailed website audit and analysis. The audit includes the analysis of the website’s performance, content quality, current keyword rankings, backlinks, and more. We have a comprehensive website analysis checklist that we use to figure out the optimization requirements of your website. This analysis allows us to make calculated decisions regarding the SEO course of action.

Competitor analysis is extremely important when it comes to creating an effective Google SEO strategy. Whether you own a blogging website or you sell products or services online, there is always going to be competition for you out there. We analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your competition and find ways for you to leverage their efforts to speed up your growth. Our SEO campaigns will help you get ahead of the competition in record time.

Keyword research is about finding your target phrases that you have to use throughout the SEO strategy. We use premium keyword research tools to find potentially profitable keywords that you can target in your SEO campaign. We create a complete content plan based on the wide collection of keywords that we gather for you. Once we have the keywords, we start incorporating them into the technical SEO, on-page SEO, and content marketing elements of your campaign.

At Ranking By SEO, we have a team of technical SEO experts who optimize the technical elements of your website including website structure, loading speed, meta tags, image tags, and structured data based on your business requirements. Our technical SEO efforts will make your business website easier to crawl and understand by search engines, resulting in better rankings on search engine result pages.

We use the keywords selected in the initial phase to optimize the on-page elements of your website for better search engine rankings. Our on-page SEO experts and copywriters work together to use the keywords in the headings, and naturally throughout the website copy to maximize topical relevance. Along with that, we use target keywords in the headings, meta description, URL, and other on-page elements to maximize the impact of the on-page SEO efforts.

At Ranking By SEO, optimizing conversion is our top priority. Our conversion rate optimization (CRO) experts analyze your website to find the right type of content, call-to-action (CTA), and UI elements to use on your website to maximize conversions. We analyze the latest trends in your target market and find ways for you to leverage them on your business platform. Our custom CRO plans help increase the percentage of users who get converted on your website.

Backlinks matter a lot when it comes to achieving top rankings on search engine result pages. At Ranking By SEO, we have a dedicated backlink creation team who analyze your existing backlink profile and help you get relevant links from authoritative websites. The more high-quality links you get for your website, the higher you rank on Google. We source links through manual outreach to ensure that you get the best value for your money.

At Ranking By SEO, we value open and honest communication between our clients and our team. Our dedicated account manager is a testament to this core value. Our expert support is available 24/7 to listen to your queries and concerns regarding our services. You can contact our support staff through email, live chat, phone, or Skype. Whether you want to ask about our pricing plans or you want an update regarding your SEO campaign, you can get in touch with our support team without any hassle. 

We have a streamlined system for performance monitoring and reporting where we analyze the performance of key performance metrics. We monitor the success of the SEO campaign to ensure that we are on the right track. To keep our clients updated with the progress, we create weekly and monthly reports highlighting the SEO activities and results that we deliver for our clients. With these reports, clients can monitor their leads, traffic, and conversions.

Benefits of Choosing Our Google SEO Services

Ranking By SEO’s Google SEO services are ideal for businesses that want to get an edge over their competition. Here are the benefits that you get by choosing our Google SEO services:

Through targeted SEO, we help businesses get relevant and high-quality leads with the highest potential for conversion. With more leads coming to your website, you get more foot traffic to your business location if you sell physical products.

Our Google SEO services are designed to help you get the best value for money. We ensure that you get maximum return on your SEO investment.

The key to getting more leads and conversions in the local market is to enhance your brand awareness. With our SEO services, your business website not only ranks high on Google but also gets recognition in your target market by making it stand out from the crowd.

Our Google SEO services are backed by a data-driven methodology that involves decision-making based on key business analytics. We gather data regarding the KPIs from Google Analytics and Google Search Console to guide our decision-making process.

At Ranking By SEO, you get a wide array of packages that you can choose from, as per your business requirements. We offer our services on a month-to-month basis so that you don’t have to worry about signing a long-term contract.

We use proven conversion rate optimization strategies to boost conversions for your business. Our CRO efforts are based on the target market research and trend analysis which guides the rest of our search engine optimization efforts.

Competition in the online market is fierce. The only way for you to make your mark is by rising above the noise and getting ahead of the competition. Our Google SEO services help you gain top rankings on search engines by beating the competition in your target market.

We leverage local search trends and market behaviors to help drive more engagement from local customers. For example, we generate area-specific content that resonates with your target audience, in order to get them interested in your business.

We offer premium Google SEO packages at a competitive price. Our cost-effective SEO solutions include solid strategies and optimization activities that improve the search engine rankings of your website in record time.

Our regular reporting systems keep you updated with the campaign progress, which helps maintain transparency from our end. We have an expert customer support team who is always ready to address your queries and concerns.

Case Studies

Take a look at the following case studies to see the success we have generated for our clients:

Frequently asked questions

Have any queries in your mind? Clear them before partnering with us! Dive into this section to resolve all your queries with us.

Google SEO involves optimizing a website for improved visibility in Google’s search results. Strategies include refining content, enhancing site structure, and building high-quality backlinks. The goal is to boost relevance and authority, increasing the likelihood of appearing on the first page when users enter relevant queries.

The timeline for achieving Google rankings varies based on factors like the competitiveness of your industry, the current state of your website, and the effectiveness of the SEO strategies implemented. Generally, it takes a few months to start seeing significant improvements, but sustained efforts over time yield better and more lasting results.

Google SEO services typically include keyword research, on-page optimization (content and HTML source code), off-page optimization (backlink building), technical SEO (site structure and performance), and regular monitoring and adjustments. A comprehensive approach addresses both the content on your site and external factors that influence its search engine ranking.

The cost of Google SEO services varies based on project scope, industry competitiveness, and specific SEO services you need for your business. A customized strategy aligned with your business goals determines the overall cost, ensuring transparency and value for your investment.

We provide transparent and regular reporting to keep our clients informed about SEO progress. Our detailed reports highlight key performance indicators such as keyword rankings, website traffic, and conversion metrics. Along with that, we offer clear insights into the strategies implemented and their impact on your online presence.

Yes, our services include assistance in recovering from Google Penalties. We conduct thorough audits to identify and address any issues that may have led to penalties. Our team implements corrective measures, submits reconsideration requests if necessary, and works to restore your website’s compliance with Google’s guidelines.

Yes. We strictly adhere to white-hat SEO practices, focusing on ethical and sustainable strategies that follow the search engine guidelines. Our approach focuses on quality content creation, organic link building, and technical optimization to ensure long-term success without resorting to manipulative or risky tactics.

Unfortunately, paid marketing is not included in our Google SEO plans. However, you can book a separate paid marketing plan to include PPC and/or social media ads in your campaign.

We value the privacy and safety of client data. Our commitment is reinforced by the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) to legally bind us to confidentiality. This ensures that sensitive information shared during the course of our engagement remains secure and protected.

If you decide to discontinue the SEO campaign, we facilitate a smooth transition. We provide a detailed summary of the work completed, insights gained, and any recommendations for ongoing strategies. Also, our team ensures that you have access to all relevant accounts and data. While we aim for long-term partnerships, we understand that business needs may change, and our goal is to ensure that you part ways with valuable insights and assets from the collaboration.

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