Social Media Marketing for Hotels: A Complete Guide

Social Media Marketing for Hotels

The hospitality industry is full of competition, and if you want to make your place in this rat race, social media marketing for hotels is an indispensable marketing strategy you have to leverage.

It is a whole set of actions on different social platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, Instagram and even Linkedin that will skyrocket your hotel’s popularity.

The first rule of the hotel business is to make it appear good to potential customers. And what better than using social media for hotels to garner the attention of the guests?!

Statistics say that a property with a bare minimum photo collection in the gallery gets about 138% more user engagement. Such properties are 225% more likely to get bookings than hotels that are not present on social media.

As the competition is so tough, you better be on your toes as a hotelier and make all the efforts to capture every lead that comes your way from social media.

But first, you have to market the property well to generate leads. Let’s take a look at some of the best social media marketing tips and tricks for hotels.

What is Social Media Marketing for Hotels?

What is Social Media Marketing for Hotels

It comprises social media marketing strategies for hotels that hotel owners execute on social platforms to garner the attention of the users.

Unlike for hotels, Social media marketing is done to build brand awareness. It is more of an awareness program where hoteliers focus on making their hotels as popular as possible.

In 2023, SMM is an integral part of digital marketing. Most hotels have a PR team, and others rely on professional social media marketing services to get the job done.

A hotel’s social media marketing involves engaging with the users in the comment section, replying to comments, crafting regular posts, and scheduling them to give your hotel brand the maximum exposure.

The main job of a PR team or SMM company is to keep the rapport with the existing audience and gather new audiences who would take an interest in booking your hotel for their vacation or business trips.

Why is Hotel’s Social Media Marketing Important for Your Business?

Why is Hotel's Social Media Marketing Important for Your Business

Social media has changed the way people look at things in the 21st century. Businesses of all scales gather under these virtual hubs for better brand exposure, and hotels are no different.

Social media marketing for hotels can be immensely beneficial as it offers a range of benefits over and above the popular SEO and PPC tactics.

Direct Engagement with Target Audience

Social media platforms are where you come closest to your target demographic. All of these virtual spaces have message/comment sections where you can initiate a conversation.

As a hotel brand, you can engage directly with your audience by replying to their post. Social media marketing for hotels augments human connection and boosts customer loyalty.

Cost-Effective Marketing Strategy

Many hotels spend thousands of dollars on various channels of marketing. In comparison, marketing hotel brands on social media is way more cost-effective.

In fact, you can build an effective social media presence without spending anything at all if you wish. We are talking about social media SEO. You can cut costs effectively by integrating simple SEO practices, such as adding a “SHARE BUTTON” to your posts, infusing keywords in the post captions, and using unique hashtags.

However, you can also embark on social media PPC marketing. Although it might cost a bit, trust us, the price is not hefty. Also, considering more than half the world’s population use some or the other social media accounts, shelling out a small amount for these many potential leads is well worth it.

Get Your Business Rolling with More Bookings

All social media strategies cumulatively form a snowball effect that gets your business rolling. Effective social media marketing for hotels has the power to boost your hotel business single-handedly.

Social media for hotels is a hub of potential. It presents immense opportunities that you can leverage to garner profit.

Posting videos, photos, reels, and stories on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram can generate a lot many potential leads hailing from every category. Even the WhatsApp business app can help you get hotel bookings if you use it in the right way by getting access to several WhatsApp groups where you post relevant pictures of the resort.

Maintains Customer Loyalty

You possibly cannot get new customers every single time as people visiting your locality are limited. Hence, hoteliers bank heavily on remarketing.

Think of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, for instance. Various wealthy families like visiting the place on a yearly basis. Hotels in that area would certainly try to garner the attention and appreciation of their regular customers.

The case is the same for business travelers. These people travel to and back between two locations, and hence, such people make excellent leads for hotels.

The probability of selling a product or service to an old customer is about 65% higher than that of a new customer.

Integrating social media marketing strategies for hotels into your campaign helps maintain customer loyalty.

By appearing on your target customer’s feed on a frequent basis, you keep your brand’s name at the top of their mind. So the next time they want a hotel booking in the area, your business name will be at the top of their mind.

10 Best Social Media Marketing Strategies for Hotels

10 Best Social Media Marketing Strategies for Hotels

Social media marketing in the hotel industry is no easy-peasy job! With market saturation to the brim, you have cutting-edge action to get bookings.

No matter what platforms you are using to promote your brand, using the following SMM techniques can have an elaborate effect on the booking ratio of your inn.

1. Know Your Audience Well

Even the best advertisement/ social post is good enough to cover everyone on this planet. This is because you simply cannot sell something to people that they don’t want.

To put it simplistically, not everyone wants to go for a tour or is planning a family holiday. Even business trips don’t happen often, and not everyone doing business needs to travel.

You have to have a deep understanding of the target audience to expand your customer base.

Know the demographic cohorts searching for hotels nearby or in distant lands. Social media marketing for hotels has to be demographic-specific. Once you know your target audience, write/ create content for them.

2. Solid Social Media Presence Escalates Search Engine Rankings

Some strong social media presence influences search engine rankings. Try posting relevant and interesting content on socials to attract the attention of customers and get search engines like Google to give you a better ranking.

As social media presence and website SEO are interlinked, a hotel brand that has a strong social media profile is likely to rank higher on search engines when a user searches for ”best hotels in a particular location’.

According to Cognitive SEO, a study of 23 million shares across various social media platforms shows a positive correlation between social media presence and search engine rankings. It means the more your post on social media gets shared, the better will be the website traffic.

3. Make ‘’Regularity’’ your Business Mantra

Treat your social media business pages the same way you treat your family!

We aren’t joking!

Post something every single day on social channels to stay in the game. Hiring a social media marketing company is one way to go about this job. The way is effective, cost-friendly, and saves a lot of time.

You can very well take the entire matter into your own hands and put up the choicest posts on socials.

There’s an old saying most of you have heard ‘ ‘slow and steady wins the race”. Well, in 2023, one of the two components of that idiom has changed. The new mantra is ”fast and steady wins the race,” at least when it comes to social media marketing.

So, beat your competitors with a meticulous dedication that is laser-focused on achieving the target.

We aren’t saying that you must be online every day for 5 hours on your social media accounts, switching from one to the other in a matter of minutes! Fortunately for you, post-scheduling tools are available for social media posting.

Your job is just to create/craft/curate posts that resonate with your target audience.

If you are still feeling lazy, about three to five posts per week on each social media account should do the job.

4. Feature Videos with Faces

Video content has two broad categories, one that features faces and one that doesn’t. If you are embarking on the journey of social media marketing for hotels, we suggest you stick to the former type.

While both social media videos can impart values, the ones that feature faces establish a human connection with the audience. It develops the trust of the target audience and builds brand image.

How to do video marketing for hotels?

Simple, get a few of your star employees to talk about the property. You, as the owner, can feature in a few videos too.

Another great idea to build a hotel’s reputation is to get a few of the previous guests to talk about their amazing staying experience at your property.

5. Thrive for More Positive Hotel Reviews

There are two things to consider in this segment.

  1. How many reviews are there?
  2. What is the ratio of positive, negative, and neutral reviews?

The number of reviews on social platforms is a direct reflection of the hotel’s popularity among people. The more reviews, the better.

The nature of the customer feedback, on the other hand, gives the page visitors an insight into the quality of the property and its services.

84% of People trust online reviews more than they rely on personal recommendations.

It is not enough to keep a sparkling property and offer an excellent guest experience. You got to let people know how amazing it is by getting your guests to fill out a review form at the time of checkout. Hiring public relation services agency can be an excellent choice in such a scenario. Not only will they reach out to previous clients to bolster the stack of positive reviews, they will also do all in their power to uplift your hotel’s image on social media platforms.

If any of the guests post stories/pictures or reviews, you can share that user-generated content on your social media for more engagement.

6. Leverage Cross-Posting Feature

Cross-posting is a groundbreaking innovation in the field of social media marketing. It reduces your work by half, if not more. Cross-posting gets your posts more impressions and better circulation. Really good posts that are promoted across various social media platforms have higher chances of going viral.

So, the next time you post an Instagram story and Meta asks you to share the same on Facebook or Twitter, DO THAT! You’re saving time.

It is perhaps one of the best social media marketing strategies that enhances your hotel’s image and connects you with potential guests across other platforms. It lets you venture into territories without putting separate efforts into it.

7. Factor in Seasonality

Seasonality is a major consideration in the hospitality industry. There’s always a peak season and an off-season in this business. So, you should take seasonality as one of the major considerations while formulating your campaign of social media marketing for hotels.

Suppose you have a hotel in Hawaii. Don’t you surge the tariff during the tourist season, which is December to March? Then, you also lower the room rent sometime around June because it is off-season.

You do the above as a part of your sales tactics. So, why not apply the same concept to social media marketing for hotels?

Mostly, monsoons are off-season in the USA, especially in North America. To attract tourists to your hotel, you can craft social media posts that highlight several activities they can be a part of if they visit during the rainy season. The same theory is applicable to all other seasons.

To apply this social media strategy, you will have to be up and doing. Come up with several creative ideas for posting on different social media platforms.

The same theory applies to events that take place on different holidays on hotel premises. You can post schedules of events like movie nights, live music, stand-up comedy, or other events that might get the interest of potential guests.

8. Social Media Paid Advertising is An Investment

A little investment goes a long way! With paid ads of hotels, you can go the extra mile to help you stand out among the competitors.

PPC Ads yield 50% more conversion than organic adverts! This is a huge number that you must drive your way to make your hotel business a success.

You can apply the PPC model marketing across various social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest.

The average spend per click on various social platforms varies. While PPC on YouTube would cost you anywhere between $0.10 to $0.30, while Instagram ads can cost you between $.20 to $2 per click!

9. Add Steller Effects with Influencer Outreach

A little razzle-dazzle always works in everyone’s favor. So why not add a stellar dash to your social media marketing campaign for the hotel with influencer outreach?

The strategy is pretty simple. Find the top influencers who can benefit your hotel’s brand image and choose one or a few who fit the bill. Seek approval, and you’re golden.

Among all the social platforms, Instagram is most brands’ choice for influencer outreach! Statistics say Instagram was the most used platform, while LinkedIn was the least popular. In 2022 alone, 3.8 Million businesses thrived on influencer outreach services! You can apply this social media marketing tactic across most platforms, such as Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

10. Adhere to the 5 Cs of Social Media Marketing

Finally, we have made it to the part where we give you the gist of our creative mantra of social media marketing for hotels.

You can Adhere to hotel marketing best practices if you follow the golden 5 Cs of social media marketing.

  1. Coordinating: This is where you think about whether or not your target and your actions are in alignment to harness the perfect synergy. There must be coordination between your goals and your marketing efforts.
  1. Content: We’re asserting it once again, ‘CONTENT IS KING,’ and you need to treat it with immense care. Analyze the message you send out to the mass, as it is the kick starter of interactions.
  1. Conversation: Once an audience comments or posts something on the thread, be prompt in replying back. Ensure that the conversation keeps open till the conversion point.
  1. Commissioning: Although many hoteliers do it successfully on their own, taking the entire burden of social media management upon your shoulders can be a tad much. At any point, if you think that you need some assistance, feel free to contact any of the best social media management agencies.
  1. Corrections: No strategy is foolproof. There is always a scope for errors, and it can certainly happen to you. Keep an eye on the audience’s reaction and user engagement with your social media posts. Under any circumstances, if you think that a particular post is triggering adverse reactions or lacks in generating the desired reaction, correct it immediately.

5 Best Social Media Platforms for Hotel Marketing

5 Best Social Media Platforms for Hotel Marketing

As a hotelier, you might want to take your marketing strategy forward by incorporating various social platforms.

Integrating SEO and PPC for hotels into your marketing campaign might not be enough. Taking on social media marketing for hotels as a part of your marketing strategy will give you an edge over your competitors.

You have to create several social accounts on various platforms. Let’s take a look at 3 of the absolute best social channels for hotel marketing.

1. Facebook- The House of 2.96 Billion Netizens

Facebook- The House of 2.96 Billion Netizens

The days of putting up mindless billboards in clumsy settings are over. 2023 is seeing a radical shift in marketing strategy as the digital and the real spheres are merging.

Facebook is the largest online platform, and if you want to do social media marketing for your property, Facebook marketing should be the first on the list.

About 55% of tourists like a hotel’s Facebook page to get information about the hotel.

How to Create a Facebook Page for Your Hotel?

If you are just starting out in the industry, no worries. With a few clicks, you can create a Facebook page by following these steps for your hotel. let’s see how;

  1. Go to Facebook page and tap on ‘Create Page
  2. Choose the ‘Business or Brand’ Category
  3. Enter your Email and password
  4. Choose the category of your page under the section (you can select up to 3 related categories)
  5. Optimize the profile picture of your hotel’s Facebook page
  6. Add a description
  7. Enter the business NAP (brand name, address, and phone number)
  8. Add pictures of the property and amenities

While creating your hotel’s page on Facebook, ensure to add stunning pictures to grab visitors’ attention. Get a professional to take the photographs as they know the correct angle to shoot.

Investing a bit in the visual upgrade on your Facebook page can boost your hotel’s online exposure and popularity.

Types of Facebook Posts for Social Media Marketing

This social media platform gives you the freedom to post an array of content on the page. This social platform does not have any capping on the length of the content or the number of it.

As a hotelier, you can post several forms of content, such as;

  1. Photos of your hotel (rooms, lobby, pool, dining area, hotel amenities, etc.)
  2. Live videos
  3. Pictures of nearby tourist spots
  4. Post Stories

Tips for Better Audience Engagement on Facebook

When one thinks of social media marketing for hotels one simply cannot skip the giant Facebook. To get more visitors and have more user engagement for your hotel, you can try out various methods on your Facebook business page.

  1. Run Facebook Ads: Running paid social media ads on Facebook is perhaps the most popular social media marketing strategy for hoteliers. You can target a larger audience with this type of paid advertising, get more bookings, and make a better profit.
  2. Offer Packages/Discounts: Everyone loves discounts. You can offer stay packages at a discounted rate. Something that goes like, “3D/2N package for Near Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco for $395“! You can as well give Facebook ads like “Flat 20% off on stay at our property”. In either case, don’t forget to add a clickable CTA button for direct bookings.
  3. Seek Reviews: This type of Facebook post directly interacts with the former visitors of the hotel who have been to your property. The posts enhance user engagement by encouraging them to rate and review your hotel. If you wish, you can embark on a referral and recommendation strategy to increase your hotel’s popularity.

2. Instagram- The Fastest Growing Social Platform

Instagram- The Fastest Growing Social Platform

Instagram is the abode of influencers, celebrities, and starlets. Brands of all sizes prefer Instagram marketing as one of the best social platforms for hotel promotion. If this is the case, why should you do any different?

Instagram is the fastest-growing social media platform, with 2 billion monthly users!

You know extremely well how popular brands like Coke, JBL, and L’Oréal use famous celebs to promote their brands. We aren’t telling you to splurge on celebs like Doja Cat or Gigi Hadid for your hotel’s social media marketing.

Hiring any of the big shots of Hollywood is rather a sure-shot way to go broke, as these famous celebrities might charge more than the standing cost of your establishment. And the turnaround time can be too long to cope with.

Instead, go for small influencer marketing. Approach Instagram celebs with a minimum of 50K followers as a part of your SMM strategy.

Whether you own an Inn, a motel, an extended stay, a boutique hotel, or a resort, influencer marketing is one of the most sought-after ways to maintain a positive brand image when it comes to social media marketing for hotels

Never miss out on adding the Hotel’s website Link in the Instagram Bio to get the maximum impressions!

How to Create A Business Account for A Hotel on Instagram?

Well, Creating an Instagram Business page is no big deal. You can do it in a jiffy by following these steps. Let’s see how;

  1. Go to the top right corner and tap on ”settings”
  2. Choose the account type and the tools you want to use
  3. Tap and switch to a business account for the hotel
  4. Tap on ‘hotel and lodging’ to select the business category
  5. You are all set!

How to Leverage Instagram to Popularize Your Hotel?

Even if you are a competent hotel, you still need social media marketing for Hotels.

Well, let’s have a glance at the types of Instagram posts that can attract potential guests to your property.

  1. Instagram stories: you can post Instagram stories on the hotel social media marketing page. This format of social posting is very popular with Instagram users. Instagram stories are engaging, and you can use these to show highlights of your hotel’s special features. They stay on your page for up to 24 hours.
  1. Instagram Reels Are a Big Deal: It is the newest addition to Instagram. The Instagram reel features video content that offers an array of creative tools and background options. These are multi-clip videos with audio that aim at maximum user engagement.
  1. Boomerang: Recording interesting moments of premium guests at your hotel is a great way to increase user engagement. Instagram boomerangs are very short videos that play TO and FRO. Posting these on your business page can add a burst of vibrancy to your marketing campaign.

3. YouTube – The Second Largest Search Engine!

YouTube - The Second Largest Search Engine!

Even though it is one of the most popular social channels, YouTube takes a backseat generally as people prefer marketing hotels on Facebook and Instagram.

However, the wise ones in the travel industry will avoid this mistake.

While people go to Google for news, images, and written content, YouTube rules the roost for videos.

82% of adults in the United States use YouTube. It is available in 80 languages!

YouTube holds a whopping 2.5 billion users per month! Because of the sheer volume of users, YouTube is one of the best channels for social media marketing, especially when it comes to the hospitality industry.

Once you know the basics of creating and uploading videos, your hotel listing will receive a major boost in terms of bookings and revenue. You can upload videos of any length here.

How to Create a YouTube Channel for a Hotel’s Brand?

Creating a YouTube channel for social media marketing for hotels involves these steps:

  1. Sign into YouTube with your Google account.
  2. Go to YouTube Studio and tap on ”Create a channel.”
  3. Choose a channel name (we suggest the name should be the same as your Hotel brand.
  4. Add branding elements like profile picture, banner, etc.
  5. Optimize the hotel’s YouTube channel using relevant keywords and URLs.
  6. Create high-quality YouTube Videos for user engagement.
  7. Optimize the content for SEO with relevant tags and keywords for optimal search results.
  8. Regularly review YouTube Analytics to track video performance, audience demographics, and engagement metrics.

Note: If you have multiple hotels in different locations under one brand, create just one YouTube Channel for all. Consider mentioning the hotel’s location in the video thumbnail.

YouTube Posts That Will Boost Hotel’s Popularity

YouTube is primarily a social media channel for only videos. You can promote your hotel through an array of YouTube video content. let’s take a look;

  1. Hotel Tour Videos: Give viewers a virtual tour of your hotel by showcasing the hotel rooms, facilities, and amenities to attract more tourists.
  2. Destination Guides: Create informative videos highlighting the local attractions. You can also make videos like the top 10 places to visit nearby and the tourist spots to avoid, catering value to the channel’s visitors. It can help potential guests see the value of staying at your property.
  3. Travel Tips and Advice: Share valuable travel tips, packing guides, and advice about your hotel’s location. Position yourself as an expert in the area.
  4. Customer Testimonials: Feature satisfied guests sharing their positive feedback and guest experience at your property on YouTube videos.
  5. Highlight Special Events: You can feature high-quality videos of events at your property. For instance, videos of international and local events like Halloween, Mardi Gras, or Comic-Con held at the property would make a beautiful addition to your YouTube channel, attracting plenty of visitors to the hotel.

4. Twitter- Or X The Everything App!

Twitter- Or X The Everything App!

While the globe is centering its attention on Facebook and Instagram, , let’s not cast a blind eye to Twitter for for your hotel’s social media marketing

Although it is the 23th most popular social media platform, if you are a hotelier in the USA, you would certainly like to make use of it.

The USA has the highest number of Twitter or X users in the world. It is estimated to be around 95.4 million.

Twitter has about 550 million users worldwide, but the Gen X, millennials, and Gen Z sections of the United States love the blue birdie.

Although after its rebranding as ‘X,’ Twitter has lost some followers, there is no reason for you to skip the opportunity of getting new guests to your property by leveraging it. This platform can be immensely beneficial when used wisely for social media marketing for hotels.

How to Create a Twitter Account for Hotels?

However, for that, you need to have a Twitter business account first. Follow the below steps to get it done;

  1. Download the X App. Alternatively, you can log in from the website as well.
  2. Ad your Hotel’s photos, add a description and contact details
  3. You are set to start following related business for more referral traffic
  4. Create posts for user engagement

Twitter Post Formats to Boost Audience Engagement

Twitter is rebranded as X at the fag end of July. Even after the rebranding, it remains one of the most popular social media for hotel marketing. Let’s see if you can harness its power to get more bookings:

  1. Brand Announcements: If you are opening a new venue or there is a launching of an in-house restaurant, there is no better place than Twitter to announce it.
  2. Question Posts: Connect with the users by asking direct questions or holding a Q&A session. These questions can be a conversation starter to create a personal connection between you and the potential guests.
  3. Blog Posts: If you want to get direct traffic to your website using social media for hotels, Twitter is the best place. You can post long blogs that impart value to the readers.
  4. Industry News: You can establish yourself as an expert in the hotel expert by updating your followers on the latest news in the hotel business. However, ensure you are knowledgeable on the subject matter before posting.
  5. Guest Testimonials: Get your visitors to share their guest experience on the platform. It is one of the best social media marketing strategies for hotels to increase direct bookings.

5. LinkedIn- the World’s Largest Professional Network!

LinkedIn- the World's Largest Professional Network!

Professionals always use LinkedIn to connect with employers. Besides, it is perhaps the most happening network in the professional domain.

As employers and employees seek each other on this platform, why not integrate LinkedIn marketing as a part of your social media marketing for hotels?

41% of millionaires around the Globe have LinkedIn Profiles.

LinkedIn Marketing is yet another brilliant social media marketing strategy for hotels, as it targets professionals and job holders as potential customers.

These are people with purchasing power, and a chunk of them engage in frequent travel for leisure or work. Besides, converting these visitors is easier. Also, it is one of the best places to hire hotel staff.

How to Create a LinkedIn Account for Your Hotel Brand?

Creating a business page for your hotel’s marketing can be done in minutes. To create a LinkedIn page, adhere to the following steps:

  1. First, create a linked account and optimize it
  2. Click on the upper right icon and scroll down to ”Create a Company Page
  3. Enter details of the hotel (location, types of rooms, tariffs, phone number. etc.)
  4. Start posting on LinkedIn for hotel promotion

Types of LinkedIn Posts for Visitor Engagement

To create maximum engagement, hire hotel staff or get better booking ratio, you can leverage this social media platform by uploading these posts;

  1. Property Videos: You can share alluring videos of the property, its lobby, the dining area, the rooms, and the pool (if you have one). The maximum video duration on LinkedIn can be 10 minutes.
  2. Job Posts: If you require hotel boys, housekeeping staff, or workforce for other in-house services, you can create simple job posts and upload them on LinkedIn. As many people search for jobs here, it is perhaps the best social platform to fill vacancies.
  3. Professional Photographs: You can hire professional photographers to take wide shots of the entire property. This will build a professional image in the eyes of the viewers, which can translate to more bookings.

4 Hotel Marketing Best Practices on Social Media Channels

4 Hotel Marketing Best Practices on Social Media Channels

Marketing of any form is an art and following a few hotel marketing best practices on social media while posting can give you outstanding results. You can take note of the below 4 social media marketing best practices for business growth.

1. Content Planning is the Key!

Social media content mainly comprises engagement posts, stories, ads, infographics, and videos. Create high quality content, as it is what reaches the audience. This factor can make or break your Hotel’s image.

Hence, it is imperative that you pay very close attention to what goes into it. Ensure that you leverage the power and potential of all to give your hotel’s business growth the maximum possible traction.

2. Regular Posting on Social Media Garners Results

Keep updating your social media posts on a regular basis. It ensures that your target audience sees your posts frequently.

Add a CTA tab for booking when possible for direct bookings. It gives your audience a shortcut to your website, enabling them to book rooms when they need it.

Take, for example, a person searching for ‘B&B in Vermont’ who comes across your Facebook post. He/she is very likely to check your property out. After this, it depends on your website’s SEO for Hotels and the hotel’s features whether the person will book a room or scroll down the post.

Every single time a customer reserves any other hotel in your operational area is business lost! You need to generate & capture every lead. And what better than social media platforms to do this, as it houses 4.89 billion people!

3. Invest in Quality Ads

Cheap skating will give you little in terms of business, not at least in the hospitality industry! People look for quality while reserving a room for themselves and their families. Hence, investing in quality ads is perhaps a better idea than saving a few bucks.

Don’t take your customers lightly. They will pay heed to the quality of everything, the ads, the posts, the rooms, the facilities, and the staff of your hotel.

While crafting posts/ social ads, pay attention to quality. Shelling out a little more while marketing your hotel on social media will fetch better profit in the long run.

4. Track & Tweak Your SMM Campaign

See, there is no sure-shot formula for doing the “perfect social campaign”. Even if you do A/B testing for your hotel ads/posts on social media, some margin for error is bound to be left. In such a scenario, it is always desirable that you keep a tab on your social media campaigns.

Take note of which posts are generating the maximum traffic to your hotel website. See which posts are not a hit with social media users.

The analytics will give you a good idea of the user’s choices and preferences. Tweak your SMM for hotels according to the analytics insights, and you shall see results sooner than later.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to target the right customers of a hotel?

Target marketing is a new trend that has taken over the globe by storm. To recognize potential leads, take customer surveys as frequently as you can. It will help you to decipher the types of people who prefer to reside at your property. This data can be useful while doing target marketing on social media.

Does social media marketing for hotels work?

Hoteliers from all over the world use social media for marketing hotels. Even international hotel brands like Four Seasons, Hyatt, and Hilton took upon SMM for lead generation. With social media marketing, you can expect your resort to have a better reputation and capture more leads, which translates to more room bookings.

How frequently should hotels post on social media?

If you are a new name in the hospitality industry, you need to work extra hard. New hotel pages should have regular posts for optimal results. In case you are a reputed brand, posting twice or thrice a week works well.

Which is the best social platform for hotel marketing?

The best platforms for marketing hotels are Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Twitter and LinkedIn are becoming rapidly popular with hoteliers.

What is SWOTs analysis for a Hotel, and how can it help in Social marketing?

“SWOTs” is an abbreviation that stands for ‘Strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities, and threats.’ This is an important metric in market analysis, and hotel owners should implement this tactic to find out competition and opportunities.

Is social media marketing for hotels really cost-effective?

Yes, social media for hotel marketing is as cost-effective as it can get. This is because you can set up basic business profiles free of cost. However, there are certain advanced marketing strategies like influencer outreaches and pay-per-click ads that cost money.

How to do social media marketing for hotels?

Marketing on social media for hotels can be fairly easy. You can cover the basics by just creating and optimizing your business profile on several social media platforms. However, a solid social media strategy would involve knowing your target audience, choosing the right social channel, infusing keywords in captions, adhering to best practices, and investing a bit in influencer outreach and PPC marketing on social platforms.


Social media marketing for hotels is a powerful tool in the hands of hotel owners. These platforms allow hoteliers to have an edge over their competitors who are not leveraging this business tactic. As social media is especially popular with millennials, Gen Z, and also professionals from all fields, the effort is worth it.

Marketing hotels on active social media channels sounds fairly simple, and it is. Any layman can cover the basics and set up social media pages. The trick is to do it effectively. And for that, you have to be vigilant as there are hundreds of hotels competing from your area to capture the same leads you are after. Be mindful of the social channels you choose and the post you give out. Your target should be optimum user engagement for the best lead conversion.

Additional Resources
